Wednesday 22 December 2010

Beatific Vision (2008)


When we listen we get what we need not necessarily what we want!
Beatific Vision surprised me, in a good way. While the movie genre is a gay spiritual, I found the movie's message to be wholly universal. Sountru's story is delivered by great characters who become more endearing as the film goes on. They had me laughing, crying, and ultimately inspired. We all have angels who try to guide our decisions in life; this movie reminds us to listen. It affords us a unique opportunity to see how an angel might influence our choices. Beatific Vision has plenty of content to keep the gay viewer happy, and a message to benefit all mankind. I whole-heartily recommend this film. Writer/director Sountru takes us on an emotional journey and leaves us uplifted, wondering about the angels in our own lives.

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