Friday 4 February 2011

BOYS BRIEFS 2 (2002)

Read Me

Despite one or two weak segments, the powerful ones are quite compelling and erotic, particularly "Touch" and "Doors Cut Down." I wish "Touch" had been a bit less grainy and arty but the style does serve the story, which is brutal yet perversely erotic and very psychologically astute. One could quibble that in real life, the adult characters would probably have taken more logical action, but it isn't impossible that people might fail to do so. One must also accept that the lead character speaks with eloquence that would have been extremely unlikely given his circumstance. Nevertheless, I was knocked out. "Doors Cut Down" was funny and sensual and had a solid O'Henry-like ending where the title becomes clear. I also liked "Back Room" because I felt I was being let in on the intimate details of an unfamiliar world. I was also surprised by the high quality of the performances from so many unknown.

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