Tuesday 8 March 2011

Kim Hyun Joong Spotted!

Kita jarang melihat keluar Pemimpin dan sekitar sejak ia berkonsentrasi pada persiapan album solo. Jadi selalu memperlakukan untuk dapat melihat sekilas tentang dia, tidak peduli seberapa kecil. Seperti kedua penampilan publik yang dibuatnya. Terakhir 5 Maret penggemar melihat dia makan malam di Jaksal Ayam ... melihat gambar ke-2, ia sedang menonton TV, dan tebak siapa yang ada di? Ini Jung Minnie @ Concert M Super! Ingin sekali melihat wajahnya di sana ... Aish, meskipun Pemimpin tidak selalu menunjukkan cinta dan perawatan bagi anggota di depan umum, kita tahu betapa dia mengasihi mereka benar? Dia tidak perlu menunjukkan kepada semua orang. Dia bukan tipe orang yang nyaman dengan tampilan umum kasih sayang, itu tidak kepribadiannya. Dia lebih banyak diam, di belakang pendukung layar. Ya, itu pasti sudah besar jika dia lebih mencolok seperti Jung Minnie, tapi itu tidak siapa dia. Jadi untuk mereka yang menilai dirinya berdasarkan pada apakah atau tidak ia muncul dalam acara anggotanya atau sesuatu seperti itu, cobalah untuk mengingat kepribadian Hyun Joong. Dia selalu menjadi pilar diam dukungan dan dia melihat keluar bagi anggota-anggotanya dengan caranya sendiri. Dia tidak perlu membuktikan apa-apa kepada siapa pun.

Kim Hyun Joong Spotted!

We rarely see Leader out and about since he's concentrating on his solo album preparations. So it's always a treat to be able to see glimpses of him, no matter how small. Like these two public appearances he made. Last March 5, fans saw him having dinner at Jaksal Chicken... look at the 2nd picture, he was watching the TV, and guess who's on? It's Jung Minnie @ M Super Concert! Would have loved to see his face there... aish, even though Leader doesn't always show his love and care for his members PUBLICLY, we know how much he loves them right? He doesn't need to showcase it to everyone. He's not that kind of guy who is comfortable with public displays of affection, that's just not his personality. He's more of the silent, behind the scenes supporter. Yeah, it would've been great if he was more showy like Jung Minnie, but that's just not who he is. So to those who are judging him based on whether or not he showed up at his member's event or something like that, please try to remember Hyun Joong's personality. He has always been a silent pillar of support and he's looking out for his members in his own way. He doesn't need to prove anything to anyone.

And then yesterday, these photos of Leader at a wedding with JunSu floated around... I'm not sure about the details though...
 Dan kemudian kemarin, foto-foto dari Pemimpin di sebuah pesta pernikahan dengan JunSu melayang di sekitar ... Saya tidak yakin tentang rincian meskipun ...

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgVjqjFyrnPa5i6S17ZOrr5mUaXuh-Zfo3Mtaae4elExT6IvqD-NH57ei82w-ztueWeNUFs_SmGLFe_07SL7r3_qXG7WObW2rJqY1MPKcD8-LLaEO9VVO94EgG-i99_CFw6ssJ1qIgc4U1d/s1600/2.jpg https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh_RSC9yvdTGnEyuZH_7rawQq3DNl4V-T00LLo2jgIMmSW-6xwfq2o8Zs0AUswSFbFWR4rrABHfrDe7TT3i8y2MrIcqltd7WUt6IPFAp8utGlslqvfmme6bZHnV7fZCQk3Z2_mxFVlr9Go9/s1600/1.jpg

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